Who can explain what love is
Love is more powerful than anything else
It breaks all rules and laws
And overpowers any army or government

You can lose anything for it
It’s a trust you place in someone else
When you learn to rely on another person for your own strength
When you give your all
When you put your needs aside
When you don’t demand the respect but get it automatically

No one knows how to play love
If it’s a game
No one knows all the answers
If it’s a test
No one is a specialist
If love is a rare disease

It’s the power given to each of us
To pass it on to the next person
The power can either build or destroy
It can build trust or break it
It can cause heartaches or sometimes butterflies

Sooner or later we are all exposed to love
From birth, the tenderness and care from our mothers
Each step, each word, each touch
Can prove love or hate

This extraordinary feeling is the best
If you love someone show them before it’s too late
Treat them like royalty
Touch them with the warmth of love

Love is a lesson learnt
A beautiful story that awaits the best storyteller
Unfortunately some play with the magic of love
But I’m not one of them
If I say I love you I mean it

Search for true love
When you’ve received it
Keep it and never break the twin of love
Which is Trust
Love is the magic I’ve noticed and experienced