not just to do
a social media

to act

a Swedish teen
one Greta Thunberg
admonishes world leaders
celebrities and journalists

I’m asking you to act
says she who was the spark
lighting a global movement
of student climate strikes

to act
not just

an hour for earth
(with your lights off)
saving the dolphins
going green planting trees

I’m asking you to act
says this 16-year-old
to the adults who have
failed to address
climate change

an emergency she declares
not just an emergency
but the biggest crisis
humanity has ever faced.

to act
is all
that is asked
for today
for tomorrow

for tomorrow
might be gone

“Greta Thunberg Schools World Leaders Again and Calls on Everyone to Climate Strike” (R20 Austrian World Summit, 28 May 2019) – © Rainbow Warriors International