The truth is what lies
Beneath the depths of the Mariana trench
It is what you have to pull and wrench,
Out the jaws of the liars we call our leaders
It calls out for the ones who’re willing to endure

The journey not even fit for a moor to travel
With distractions placed on the journey to dazzle
To entice the weak with greed and fake needs
To keep the weak deaf with abstract things such as fees

The lies are the hive and we are the bees
The truth beckons
To all those who once saw its angelic tone
Drowning in the ocean of hatred and the feeling of being alone
Placed in little boxes, our little zones

The ones who were supposed to seek the truth
Instead found lies
In a world full of casualties of all shapes and sizes
It’s no surprise
That the pit stop turned into the destination
Left only the adventurers to brave the seven seas
To find that the truth is waiting
And one day we will know its voice
We are in the phase of darkness
But for every sunset there is a sunrise