One does not choose their family,
Similarly to those who can’t change their name from Dorbady.
Nor can one choose their parents,
The path of life does not need any clearance.
You make the best of it every day,
In all circumstances you try to find a way.
Perhaps that is just your life’s storyline,
That is just about the same for everyone.
Don’t feel bad, all your problems are different,
To specify my terms, they are problematically different.
You reach the mountain peak with joy and gladness,
Only to see another bigger mountain, you tread along with sadness.
Be sure to know, you cannot escape your problems.
Even the unfrozen winter soldier faced his problems.
To some, life is just a fun jol filled with jubilee,
Unto others, it is a great dread as of a roaring sea.
We are all circumstantially adapted to what we face,
We just have to realise that we each run our own race.
A common error, one that is epidemic,
It hits home, I know, then it becomes endemic.
Everything in this world was once for everyone to share.
The basic principality that catered for our welfare.