We distinctly reminisce remedial
Work to clear up misapprehension.
We really messed up this past year;
We’d thought all the pains brought
By yesterday on yesterday into our
Impatient hearts were merely desire,
To sort them out, be exempted from
The depression holds on hard times.

We merely desire to sort them out
And sieve, suddenly a coronavirus
Lands on land, lends our land plans
Faded away a heart oozing blood,
Glister, smiling smile disappeared
Hope shall be handed in not faded.
Petition must be kept on our knees
Surely we’ll rise up from the ashes.

Shall we hide unhidden emotions?
That ugliness, pretty face of Corona
Won’t subdue if we can sharpen
Our dull psyches, nodded with same
Actions, word worn the obedience
Towards a vital situation we’re facing.

We’ve got no surrogate, let us cringe,
Cringe for a while, pray hard, hard!
A naked truth, it often reveals there
Is nothing more crucial than a life, money,
Job is worthless compared to a precious life.
Stop roaming around, stay at home.

Let us pray, pray and pray for folks
Got themselves admitted in various
Hospitals, lay on beds of thorns, fought,
Fought for their lives in intensive care
Unit expecting their organs to function
Well as an oiled machine, may be so…

Their lives mean a world to everyone,
Their lives will also be conveyed home
Wrapped around by the felicity worn
A hat of peace, love, let us have faith
There’s nothing that surpasses God’s power.