Just because I’m a woman
I’ll dress in an appropriate manner
Display no skin
As the act will send amiss content to men of this world
Who contain indocile hormones

Just because I’m a woman
I’ll account the men of this world
To turn me into a spineless zombie
I’ll permit them to be my voice
And my vision, as they rule

Just because I’m a woman
I’ll tolerate abusive union
Endure all affronts
Silently wait for the animal titled my husband
To come and feed me with illness
As in his eyes it’s what I deserve by merit

Just because I’m a woman
I’ll use my body to reach the limit sky
As men of this world reckon
I ain’t intellectually fit to reach the limit

Just because I’m a woman
My errors are worse than yours
Therefore paint me with blame
For conceiving at a tender age
And say I’ll deliver undesirable offspring

Just because I’m a woman
Every day I establish the validity of my worth
I’ll go beyond the call of duty
I’ll tolerate every day struggle
After all I’m a rock… Ngiyimbokodo!
