A young girl comes home with the weight of the world on her shoulders
She puts down her hefty school bag on the floor
She puts the uniform that reminds her of her father in prison on a chair
She puts the shoes that cover her feet from thorned paths of life by the door
She puts the eyeglasses that helps her see the cruel and unjust world on the table
She puts her heavy body, heart and soul on the bed
She puts her head on the pillow to catch the bittersweet scent of her dreams and desperation
She puts down the ill thoughts lingering in her mind convincing her she’ll never be good enough
She puts down the loud untrue whispers spread about her
She puts down the expectations put on her to display a perfect front
She surrenders all her weapons to end the war between herself and her mind
She casts all her cares and burdens to the Lord through a silent prayer
Warm, sweetened tears kiss her pillow
The pillow absorbs and embraces all her misery and loaded emotions
It is unbothered by all of this
Slowly it puts her at ease and lulls her to sleep
It then transcends her to saccharine haven – which are her vivid dreams