Ngajabula, I Was happy
The feeling was ecstatic I tell you
I still have good memories of those moments
I was happy, ngajabula when you walked into my life
I knew there was
Something about you, never knowing what it was or how it was
I ventured in, not aware of my surrounding
My heart as capital, I did punt
I was in joy
You came to mend the broken pieces of my soul
At least that was my thought fooling me
You came in and I did let you in
My feelings were fuelled by your smile
And My heart kept pounding… fast
I loved you, ngakuthanda ntombazana ngaze ngathamba
I was happy that I foresaw no roof
That could be huge enough to house my happiness
Better than my “perception” of your “heart”
That was a flashing picture,
More like an ‘asleep’ Windows computer icon
Bouncing from corner to corner
My idea of you did just that
Sticking from my heart to my vision and to my dreams
I should not tell you the plans I had in mind
For my honesty has lapsed
Totally gone
Anginako ukwethemba nokwethembeka
For a car that has been written off more than once
Never again can it be worthy of traveling the same route
That’s my life after you
After you wrecked me against the wall of love
And walked off!
Thinking of you is torture
But I chose to protect my future