I am Mama Africa.

I am Mama Africa humble with no replica.
I jumped and reached the heavens.
I have blessed my soil was rich.

My roots watered with tears and sweet red wine.
I’m the rhythm of a thousand Congo drums.
My roar awakens the jungle, the herds are my heartbeat.
I’m Mama Africa mother to hunters and gathers.
Many of my children to war lost their fathers.

I know the tears of the sun.
A ministry I remain to some.
I am Mama Africa mother of a thousand nations.
I was the beginning of human evolution.
My love is no illusion.

I am Mama Africa the
Queen of the unknown,
I shower my children with the rain of light chasing away drought.
Let my children not be blind but enlighten.
I’m have stood the test of time. I will stand and not be shaken.
I’m Mama Africa my cultures in stone I save for generations to come.
My knowledge may they not harm.

My Heart bleeds from the Red sea to the Nile.
Exposed I was fragile.
Poverty my children went exile.