Penned November 17, 2005, pondering a bit before another (ritual) 16 Days of Activism against Women and Child Abuse.

Is it you, who contributes
to the abuse, mental and otherwise,
of our woman and child?

Is it you, out there
in the leafy suburbs, or you
behind the leafy suburbs,
in your shack or Wendy house?

Is it you, behind closed doors,
in gated mansions,
behind the high walls,
the electric fences,
that protect us from ourselves?

Is it you, behind your business suit,
your collar and tie, your veil,
your power and influence
(role-model soccer player)
and your BEE status – you did not
struggle to be poor,
your upbringing, so-called,
who contributes
to the abuse, mental and otherwise,
of our woman and child?

Who is it, if it is not