If I had a rope maybe I’d be dead
If I had found a strong tree maybe you’d be telling another story
If I had courage maybe I would’ve taken my own life
If I wasn’t man enough I would’ve taken an easy way out
But I am man enough to face my problems
Suicide isn’t an option but tackling my own problems is
Only suicidal thoughts floating in my head
But I’m brave enough not to entertain them
If I had found a rope maybe my life would’ve have come to an end
If I had found a tree maybe I would’ve taken my own life
If I was weak you’d be telling a different story
A story that no one will be pleased to hear but the enemies
A story that would’ve left my loved ones broken in pieces
A story that would’ve left you with unanswered questions
A story that nobody would’ve understood
If I had found a rope maybe I’d be dead today
If I had found a tree maybe I would’ve joined the angels in heaven
If I had courage I would’ve taken an easy way out
Only if I had…
Only suicidal thoughts floating in my mind