I remember my first day at school and the smell of the classroom.
I remember my teacher teaching us the alphabet in Grade 1.
I remember my teacher was so sweet and caring, she smelt like a red rose.
I remember all my classmates talking to me, they were so friendly.
I remember my first friends Lorain, Tanya, Owami and Akhona.
I remember the amazing feeling of making new friends.
I remember the long breaks in primary school.
We used to play ‘shumpu’ for the whole 30 minutes.
I remember my first excursion in Grade 4, we went to Paradise Valley.
I remember my teacher in Grade 5, she was so sweet and thoughtful.
I remember her being nice to me, the first teacher to really care for me.
Miss V Maraj was good with all the children, we all loved her like our own mothers.

I remember my first detention.
I remember the first time I went on stage to give a speech in front of the whole school.
I remember listening to Cardi B songs with my friends.
I remember my first performance.
I remember singing and dancing in the rain with my friends.
I remember my first years at Redfern Primary School.


This piece of writing was created as part of the WritingMe Writing Clubs with Youth Interactive, KZN. Find out more here.