Some people know how it feels to be called an abandoned fatherless child
To be told they don’t deserve to be born hence why they have no father
To be called an unwanted child
To feel worthless and undeserving of a father’s love
To wish for a few minutes of his time
To wonder what you ever did to him
To blame yourself for his negligence and immature behaviour
To hate every man cause the one who was supposed to teach you love ran away

Some people know
The pain of not knowing the sound of his voice
How he walks and carries himself
Whether he walks gracefully and tall like a proud man
Or shamefully and slouchy carrying the negative emotions of the child he abandoned
To wish they could see what he looks like
If they have anything in common
To be only told by society that you are stubborn like your father
Nothing about his appearance

Some people know how it feels
To never know the love of a father
To always wonder what life would be like if he existed
To wonder what advice and lessons they would have learnt from him
To wonder if they would have looked up to him
To be afraid of falling into the hands of an abuser in order to fill in the void of the absent father
To love your mother because they are the only parent who never left
For her to be your entire world and your first love

Some people know
The anger you have towards the man who abandoned you
To pray you never marry a man like him
To hope you don’t give birth to a son like him
To envy those gifted with present fathers but take them for granted
To prefer a dead father over an alive man who is dead in their heart
I do not know how it feels to be a fatherless child