Have you seen love, have you?
I guess some have heard about it
but haven’t seen it.
Have you experienced the presence of it?
Have you thought about it?

Some are toppled by love, some soar in it.
Have you seen how love
makes two people feel euphoria?
Have you seen how love makes people
care about one another?

Have you seen how love
makes people relinquish things for each other?
Have you seen how love
creates happy memories?
Have you seen love how it influences?
People to do good and villainous things.

Or have you heard about how love
got people to be maltreated in its name?
Or have you heard about how love
makes people stay in abusive relationships?
Or have you heard about how love
makes people leave relationships in body bags?

Or have you heard about how love
makes one kick the bucket for another?
Or have you heard about how love
makes people do desperate things?
Or have you heard about how love
turns covetousness to hatred?

Either way, love is such a beautiful word
don’t take love for granted.
Love is such a powerful word and that makes it
the most dangerous one too.