People are not good
At giving directions
I have asked for a path
To the love of my life
They all pointed down the road

Down the road you find people with broken hearts
Messed up minds
Who are haunted by their past
They have problems with the alphabets
They ask too much Ys
Can’t get over their Xs

When I arrived down the road
Beauty welcomed me
A smile that I later discovered to be fake
Was given to me
I don’t wanna call it lust but they call it love
But it really doesn’t last

After a while I figured it out
That I’m not where I’m supposed to be
Maybe I stopped too soon
I’m supposed to go down the road
Then I went

See this had to be it
Now I can’t go any further
I’m literally down the road
I can’t be pointed to go downer than I am
This is where the love of my life is at

As expected someone said hi
Before I could reply
Someone else said no thanks this one is mine
I couldn’t help myself but smile
They found that smooth and quite but not shy smile charming

It was not long before A and B became Xs
My name was suddenly too long for some they called me Ex
There was a line of disappointment
And it was as if someone keeps on clicking next
And then

Being hurt became a habit
Hurting others meant nothing
Then my heart became a fraction
Got divided into pieces
Even when I was simplifying my expressions
There were still Xs to be solved
I couldn’t figure Y

Before I knew I got a citizenship
When I came down the road I had no intentions of becoming a citizen
But there I was with a broken heart
Messed up mind
Having problems with alphabets
Asking too much Ys
Couldn’t get over my Xs

Then someone who asked for directions
She wanted to find the love of her life
Then someone remembered that there was a guy
Who went down the road looking for the love of his life
Then she was pointed to go down the road

Down the road she found me
To me she was just another peace in the puzzle
To her I was a man of her dreams
I stopped believing in love way before I met her
She was about to find out that down the road
Is no place to look for love

Firstly I had to introduce her to few things
Before she becomes the alphabet X
I had to give her experience
Torn her heart apart to prepare her for what’s coming next
Show her the truth love is just a word
But give her a hell of a time
So that she can remember me as the one

While busy changing her perception of love
I saw someone completely going in a different direction
I wondered where she was going
I stopped and watched her walk
It was as if I was watching my favourite film

For a moment the world didn’t exist
Everything I had in mind in matter of seconds didn’t matter
All the broken pieces of my heart were ready to come together
I was ready to pack my bags and follow her
Down the road was no place to live for me anymore