I wish I had more time to be with you
I wish I had more time to tell you what I’m going through
I wish I could be right beside you
I wish you were here to teach me how to be a true man like you

Ngaphandle kwakho ng’zizwa ng’lahlekile
You’re no longer by my side
Manje ng’zizwa ng’didekile
Uthethile uThixo
wath’ iskhath’ sakho s’phelile
Umam’ ung’khulisile
Ikasi lam ling’fundisile

I feel don’t know myself any more
I’m slowly losing myself
And it’s shaking me to the core
The beast inside me
Scatters torn pictures on the floor
I don’t want more bittersweet memories
On my refrigerator door

Lento nje ingidla
Ngaphakathi entlizweni
Kunento eng’fisa ukuy’khipa
La ngase’sfubeni
Phakathi ngizwa ubuhlungu
Mangik’buka esthombeni
You’re no longer in real life
Sengik’bona emaphupheni

Abaz’ ukuth’ you meant a lot to me
And I feel like without you
I can’t complete my life story
So I keep on searching
For peace and serenity
Along the way I have true friends
and a couple adversaries

Nto nje
I wish you didn’t have to die
I wish I didn’t feel any pain
So that I would not cry

I hope bak’phethe kahle lapho emazulwini
‘Cause ngifun’ uk’hlangana nawe lapho okok’gcina