Let’s talk about a girl who feels the touch of a man,
To the girl the touch of a man feels right,
For she has faith in the word love,
For she sees beauty in the eyes of a man
Who holds her close, covering her with his body,
For she believes in the protection found in the hands of a man
Before it fades away,
She who finds joy in days when jackets are exchanged
From his body to hers,
Days where his jacket becomes her pillow,
Smell of his perfume becomes her lullaby,
For she travels with his smell beneath her nose,
Suffocating her dreams as the night turns into a decade,
She who believes in the power of two hearts,
Holding hands, surrounding the universe,
The true colours of love create fire that burns
And is destroyed with a single tear drop that falls for a broken heart,

Let’s talk about the girl who feels the touch of a man,
To the girl the touch of a man feels safe,
The one who sees beauty in a man
Kneeling down with one or two knees,
The man who treats her heart like his own
Opening the door of eternal love trapped inside a ring
Full of diamonds that present her heart
“So he says,” all she says is “yes” to the ring of lies,
ring of promises, the circle of life surrounding her finger,
Who walks down the aisle with white feathers covering her body,
Smile on her face, tears of mixed emotions
With the questions: are you ready for ‘until death do us apart’?
Which also means ‘until divorce do us apart’,
Yes I do, yes I do,
As she coughs out words of regret,

Let’s talk about the girl who feels the touch of a man,
To the girl the touch of a man feels blessed,
To the one who believes in giving birth to the life after death,
The one who sees beauty in the body of a woman
That rebuilds a dead soul into a new born angel with a different life to live,

Let’s talk about the girl who felt the touch of a man,
to the girl the touch of a man felt hard,
For he abused his manhood in her body,
For he forced his hands on her body,
Washing of the gold covering her body, replacing it with lust,
Every man she met would come inside her eat and leave,
Eat and leave again and again,
For he allowed her to dig deep into sleepless nights
In a room of sad songs, conversations with suicidal thoughts
And humans inside her won’t keep her alive for a long time,
Alcohol in her hand,
Every time she steps inside a club
She gets praised by the bottles at the bar
Happy to drown away her sorrows for a second,
As they come back and forth like the wave,
Cigarette ashes in the ground mixed with tears,
That hold the memory of the pure blood that was left in the sheet burnt with her scream
White powder in her nose, thousand pills in her system,
Being in the stars makes her feel pure again
Until she hits the ground,
His face covers her whole body
Blood on her hands but she doesn’t know where it’s from,
She made him lose his manhood
He became nothing but a dead soul waiting to be reborn in her womb,

Let’s talk about a girl who doesn’t feel the touch of a man,
To the girl the touch of a man doesn’t feel like anything,
She lost herself, she lost the feeling found in the hands of a man,
She lost the protection found in the hands of man,
She lost her dignity, purity, dreams, happiness,
Can you, do you relate to the girl who is waiting to be reborn,
And finally feels the hands of a man again?