It is only fair that we do it here
right now.
And it is high time we reveal the dark secrets
behind our light glamorous lives.
Unload them, tell them to the world for they have
kept us in agony for as long as we have lived.
They were the beginning to a life filled with lies.

A life in the sewers where nobody took in the stench
of what we were doing undercover.
They were the beginning of my misery…our misery
and the cause of the breakdowns in front of our fans
then they began labelling me a sick attention-seeker.

These secrets, these secrets! Took me to the grave when
no one was watching, and to paradise in front of our fans.
I now await the last hour so that I can feel the realm of the Lord
hit hard on me as I finally arrive
in hell for I have been walking towards it.
But until then switch off the life support.
Let me die…maybe you can live with blood but
it’s not for me.
Tell the world what we did!
Tell them how we got the tender.