When we heard COVID-19 existed
We rushed to shops to buy groceries and all our needs
So we could lock ourselves in our houses

Since the disease is airborne
When we breathe together it could spread from one to another
One person can infect ten or more
The greatest fear was that it was incurable
And it kept people in a coma and some died

We wore masks, washed hands, sanitised
And cleaned our homes more than before
We self-distanced and didn’t visit other people’s homes any more
We all panicked and avoided crowds

COVID-19 decided to stay
It was not going anyway
We got tired and missed our normal lives
The masks make us not see each other’s facial expressions
You can’t know who is who with masks on
Unless you hear their voices

We want to see families and friends
We miss them
We miss parties and crowds
We miss going out
We no longer wear masks or wash hands any more
We want hugs and handshakes
We all want to be cuddled

Cleaning is now making us hate cleanliness
Because it’s not our life any more
Daily our homes need to be cleaned
Every time you need to wash hands and sanitise them

We missed our normal lives
Entering a place after sanitising is new to us and it gets boring
But we have to do it
Now one province in South Africa is already tired
And corona still spreads like dust in the air

Let’s not be careless, and be hygienic
You are saving not only yourself
But us too and your close acquaintances
Please let’s follow the regulations
And stay safe
It’s not for you but for us too

Please stay SAFE!