Daniel, was “your God, whom you continually serve,” able to save you?
The question posed to Daniel, after a night in a den, with a hungry lion crew,
It certainly determined, what happened in that lion’s den,
Because in the Living God, his loyalty, life and trust, was entrenched!
No other god was able to save him like this,
Even the heathen king, Darius, gave all other gods a miss!

Who is “your god whom you continually serve”, if not Jesus Christ, is there really more than one way, as only He paid the price,
Do you feel secure in your belief in this god
Can you trust him to save you, can you take him at his word,
Please make sure, get some references, is there another “saving grace” for the lost,
As time is running out, we need to consider and really count the cost

Is “the god whom you continually serve” the substance that alters your mood,
Is he there beyond those moments when you’re so high, and feeling good, can he take away what you’re burying or trying to, with every fix,
Or does it remain the illusion and the playing, of gratifying, mind tricks,
A twelve step programme alone, cannot replace what humans lack,
When you’ve identified your problem, who will guide you, as to what is being on track

Is “the god whom you continually serve” your career, that meaning we need,
In these tough and uncertain times, is this god still a guarantee,
Is this god able to save you from losses, that can shake your family foundation,
As this concern is spreading to people, from every culture and nation, did he tell you what to do, when you hit rock bottom,
Post their job losses, most people are left, gone and forgotten

Is “the god whom you continually serve” all the glamour you’re surrounded with,
Is he your power, fame and stature, is he what Solomon concluded a myth,
Is he vanity, your anchor and confidence,
Are you working on setting a precedence,
To your offspring, on how success, should be their focus,
While forgetting to give thanks, and the needy goes unnoticed,
Make sure this god can stand the test of time,
Because when unsatisfied, these feelings often, lead to crime

Is “the god whom you continually serve” your reputation in the public eye,
You’re politically correct, you know lots of facts, you’re the one who questions why?
You can draw a crowd, you make people feel at ease,
You daily work on entertaining others, as in popularity you increase,
Is this god able to save you, when you have to choose between heaven or hell,
Is this god able to guide you, when you don’t know which truth to tell

Is “the god whom you continually serve” education and knowledge of things,
And there is really no one who, can challenge you, as enlightenment is the gift you bring,
If it weren’t for people like you, the world would be dark, that’s what you teach,
But if such energy was spent on The Word, how many couldn’t you reach,
Is this god able to, enlighten you, that the fear of the Lord, is the beginning of knowledge,
That Christ had died for all of us, not a topic taught at any major college

Is “the god whom you continually serve” unsatisfied needs, that must be met,
You hear God’s call, but feel nothing’s achieved without hard work and sweat,
You need a house, a car and money,
a healthy bank balance, investments too,
You’re looking at those whose future is unplanned, uninformed decisions and bills that are due,
Is this god able to wake you up, to add another day to your life,
Can this god promise, to add all these things, when for him you daily strive?

Is “the god whom you continually serve” a new venture, at every turn,
You need the rush, too busy to be calm, for that adrenaline dose you constantly yearn,
Many clubs, excursions and discoveries,
In between you’re making a bit of a recovery,
Is this god not just keeping you on a false high,
Because life with your Creator, is neither easy, nor dry