This is to women who keep their heads above water even when they were meant to drown
This is to women that have to say short prayers before they leave the house
This is to women who have to run up to strangers,
This is to women who have to pretend to be on a call,
This is to women who have to pretend-text,
And this is to women who get mini panic attacks
When a stranger walks a little too close in public
This is to women who have to look over their shoulders
This is to women who are always in defence-mechanism mode
This is to women whose bodies never belonged to them
I’m sorry you had to learn that you don’t belong to you
I’m sorry a simple polite “No” can turn into an invitation for aggression
I’m sorry that I am sorry
I’m sorry for all the apologies you will never get that you deserve
I’m sorry that there are apologies to begin with
I’m sorry you have to fight a war you didn’t prepare for
This piece is part of a special collection of essays and poems called Women in the World. Click here to browse more stimulating reads.