What a year,
A year of tragedy.
A year filled with sorrows.
A year filled with tears.
A year that made history.
An unforgettable year…

A year all turned prisoners at the hands of their governance.
A year of misfortune.
A year of grievance to all.
A year of deduction.
A year of pauses.
A year of impossibilities.
A year of failure.
A year of untold…
A year of unending hatred.
A year of unending suffering.
A year of…
Ndibala ntoni na!

May it be a year full of showers of blessings,
Prosperity, love, happiness, continuous growth and unending health.
May every soul have a shelter above their heads.
A plate on top of their tables.
Clothing to cover their bodies.
May it be a year of survival. Ohhh!
Gratitude to those who suffered through the tragic year.
May 2021 be easy for you all…