(Under the bridge)
Street kid leader: So Tumi you’ll be leaving us here?
Tumi: I promise once I’m settled I’ll come take you all.
Nelly: Hawu awukasitholi ispani brika?
Tumi: I have a feeling that job is mine; the madam liked me.
Street kid leader: All the best ntwana, just that we’ll miss you when you are gone, 13 years as nie pap an fleis, look at me I’m 27 but still a street kid.
Tumi: Me getting a job will be the stepping stone for all of you. (The group hugs.)
Tumi: Wee my phone is ringing, shhh its madam. Hello ma’am, yes, ok I’ll be there tomorrow at 8am, ok thanks bye Thembi. Yeeeees yeeeees yeeees, I got the job.
(They all rejoice for Tumi’s victory.)
Nelly: Congratulations skeem, don’t turn your back on us ke.
Tumi: How can I do that to the only family I have? On my first payment I’m going to spoil you all.
Nelly: Nami ungizwele mabefuna abantu, indeed you are our stepping stone to a brighter future.
Street kid leader: Yeah go well Tumi, don’t forget us.
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