(At Molly’s home, Cynthia, Molly’s mother, welcomes them with both hands.)

Molly: I am so sorry buddy.

Sethu: I just … (He cries.)

(While they are sitting, the TV plays.)

News Reporter: Headlines this afternoon. The house of a well-known doctor, Mr Ngqoyiyana, was burnt down by a mob following allegations that he raped his ex-schoolmate, Natasha Wilberg. It is reported that his surgery has been looted and burnt down too. A warrant to arrest him has been issued by the South African Police Service.

Cynthia: Jesus Christ of Nazareth, do they have proof that you raped that woman, mxm!

Sethu: Let me go and hand in myself mama (As he was speaking, his phone rings.) Hello.

Adv Moyana: Hi Mr Ngqoyiyana, I just heard about your story, and I avail myself to represent you.

Sethu: No, its fine sir, no need. I will just let law do its job.

Adv Moyana: No sir, the allegations thrown against you are not true, therefore you need a defence.

Sethu: How do you know that they are not true?

Adv Moyana: I just know. We should meet sometime. (He hangs up the call.) And yes! We in it.

Natasha: What did he say? Did he agree?

Adv Moyana: He has no choice but to fall into our trap.

Natasha: Good, now, I want you to reap every profit he made. I need all of that money. Make sure he does not go to jail at anytime soon. Let the money come bit by bit, when it reaches R800 000. Let him go down.

(Sethu hands himself in at the police station, and he gets imprisoned for 15 years for raping Natasha Wilberg.)

(Molly’s home also gets burnt down for protecting a rapist.)

Lisa: When is bhuti coming back from prison? I am tired of staying with this man, mama. He abuses me sexually.

Nomsa: Mntanam, we don’t have any choice. If we leave him, we are going to stay in the streets, and I do not wish that for you. Ndicela unyamezele mntwana wam, Sethu is left with only this year. Next year he is coming back.


Tell us: What do you think about Natasha’s place to get Sethu to pay for by accusing him of rape?