(It is a few months later, and Sethu gets released on parole. He does not have a place to go to, and he fears going to where he was staying.)

Sethu: Hey brother, can I stay with you here, it’s just for a short time, and then I will leave.

Stix: This is my territory my man, if you want to stay here, you must be my gangster.

Sethu: I will do anything you say I must do, my man.

Stix: Good, now go and relax in that room. There is a job we are going to do this evening.

Sethu: What kind of a job?

Stix: There is a house that we are going to this evening. We are going to kill a woman with her husband, and that is where I will test your man skills.

Sethu: (Puzzled.) To kill? Okay bro Stix, I will prepare myself.

Stix: Take this gun and practise your shooting skills. (Phone rings.) Boss Lady!

Natasha: I want that lady dead.

Stix: We’re on it boss lady, don’t worry.

(At night.)

Stix: Okay gents, that house has two entrances. Sbu, Zwezwe, front door! Sethu and I, at the backdoor. I do not want anything weak.

(They go to the house. Sethu and Stix enter the house, and they shoot everyone who is inside.)


Tell us: What do you think of Sethu’s decision to turn to crime?