Whenever you see yourself that you are fully educated in life, like you’ve gone to a college or university, don’t waste your time seeing and treating yourself as being special than anyone else and start shooting hideous names, undervaluing, insulting, relegating, and cursing those who have never held a pen or a pencil in their hands. Those who don’t even know how to read and write, and whom “Education” is a strange word to their illiterate minds.
Know and realise that some people didn’t make it to school not because they disliked or hated school, NO! but it’s because of some other problems, such as lack of money and poverty. As an educated person; you ought to use your common sense properly and start seeing everyone else as a human being. Being uneducated does not mean that you are useless here on earth. Being uneducated does not mean that you are brainless.Being uneducated does not mean that you are a failure on everything. Being educated just helps you to gain some knowledge that surrounds us. Being educated just helps you to acquire certain skills in various professions. Being educated just helps you to use your common sense properly.