Thandi was a very kind girl, age 6, she had a very strong and powerful personality. On the following Monday she was about to start attending school for the first time. Thandi was very happy that day but as she prepared for school, she remembered one thing and that was that she didn’t have any friends. She became so nervous.

Her father dropped her off at the school gate.
“You will be fine everyone seems so nice in here,” her father said, giving her a forehead kiss.
Thandi engaged herself with other children during assembly.

In class she saw a desk in front of the girl named Thembi.
“Is this seat taken?” Thandi asked, pretending to be cool.
Thembi shook her head showing no interest in Thandi.

During break time all the learners went outside to play games on the playground. Thandi decided to go and talk to Thembi but sadly when she touched Thembi’s hand, the lunchbox fell on the ground.

Thembi was so upset about this incident.
“What is wrong with you? What do you want from me?” Thembi said, angrily.
“I… I… I… just,” Thembi went to sit on the bench with no lunchbox leaving Thandi there trying to explain.

Thandi had a very delicious lunch dagwood sandwich with some juice and fruit. She stood in front of Thembi.
“It will be very selfish of me to eat all this food alone,” Thandi said, opening the lunch box and sitting next to her friend.
“I don’t want your food,” Thembi said, looking away.

The sandwish was smelling so delicious.
“Alright then, I won’t finish it unless you change your mind,” Thandi said after finishing her share.
Thembi couldn’t help it but to swallow her pride.
“Ok, I have changed my mind, give me my share,” taking the lunchbox.
They enjoyed the delicious meal together with lots of jokes and laughter. When the school was out two newly buddies hugged and kissed each other.
“Goodbye, my friend, I will see you tomorrow,” they said those words to each other.

In the car Thandi’s father said, “tell me about your first day of school. Did you enjoy it?”
Thandi smiled and began telling her dad about everything that happened at school from the beginning to the end.

Thandi came out of the car running to hug her mother who was waiting for them on the front door.
“Whoa! Whoa! You are going to push me on the ground,” said the mother surprised.
Thandi looked very excited it’s obvious that she enjoyed her first day, she never stopped smiling. The parents were very happy about their only child. All she talked about was her first day of school, she even went to bed early without her father dragging her to bed. Thandi arranged her school things so she won’t be late in the morning.

The girl Thandi couldn’t wait for the next day to meet her wonderful friend Thembi.
After her father finished reading her a bedtime story, she said, “tomorrow is going to be a great day, dad I can feel it, goodnight, love you,” she slept peaceful.
Her father gave her a forehead kiss and switched off the light.

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