As I walked out into the brightness, I pondered how through glorious light so much darkness is always revealed. I couldn’t help but to look back, wanting to turn around. So much safety, security and protection was back there. Moving into this light meant the unknown awaited me. I had so much I had to face and endure. Was I truly ready?

Once I took my steps forward into the light, I remembered two very important truths. I could focus all my energy on the darkness that I could see in the light. It would take all my hope, strength and courage away and leave me fearful, broken and weak. If I focused on the glorious light, the more beauty I would see, the stronger I would become.

I knew that our real strength lies not in what we see but in what we truly feel. Strength comes from deep inside of us to keep moving no matter how many times darkness tries to trick us. Strength is our sparkle of hope.

Each step I took, the more the light revealed. The more I saw, the more I knew I was ready that it was time to live once again.


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