Today’s world revolves around technology and technology evolves every day. The coming 27 years is preparation time for new technology systems. Let’s go back to the days of Nelson Mandela, education was the major weapon to freedom and not any kind of education, simply education. People were aware of this and went for it irrespective of circumstances.

In today’s world things have changed; people communicate globally with other people. People make business globally at any time they want with less effort than before. And what enables people to communicate like this? It’s technology. It is pervasive, meaning that you can find it everywhere. Because everything has its advantages and disadvantages, the 27 years given is to overcome the disadvantages and deprivation to it.

The 27 years also symbolises patience. Impatience is the mother of all distractions, at often times the outcomes leads to regret. How many times have you tried to do something and you spoke yourself out of it due to impatience? I have realised that as humans, when we want something we want it immediately, we don’t want to go through the process of endurance, which leads to greener pastures.

The following are the traits of patients and how to develop it: 1 – The quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like. 2 – An ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner. 3 – Quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence, to work with patience.

When it comes to patience, can’t we all use a little more of it?

I find I have patience with some people and situations, but not all. How patient are you? I’ve heard it said that patience is a virtue. Why? Here’s an answer I read somewhere: Patience is a virtue because it makes us better people. The definition of the word is to tolerate delay. This implies self-control and forbearance as opposed to wanting what we want when we want it. How many times have we jumped the gun and found out it would have been better to tolerate delay or had self-control? What did we miss out on? Did we hurt someone we love? What are the benefits of being patient?

Benefits of developing patience: 1 – Reduces stress levels. When you learn and practice patience you don’t get as angry, stressed or overwhelmed. 2 – Results in better decision making. Take the time to assess the situation, see the big picture, and weigh any pros and cons. The chances of making a big mistake lessen because you avoid making it in haste. 3 – Helps develop understanding, empathy and compassion. Patient people take the time to process what they go through and are able to determine what it takes to overcome obstacles so they are more understanding of others. This can result in better relationships with spouses, friends and children. 4 – Helps you understand and appreciate the process of growth. Planning, growth, evaluation and measurement all take time, and taking time takes patience.

How to Be Patient:
1 – Develop realistic expectations.
2 – Realise that setbacks are only temporary.
3 – Employ a problem solving attitude instead of choosing to be a victim.
4 – Avoid bitterness.
5 – Have faith that you can overcome a difficult situation.
6 – Be aware of triggers that cause you to become impatient. If it’s something you can change, take steps to change it. If not, then adjust your attitude and mind-set accordingly.

How to develop Patience:
1 – Take a day where you make patience your goal for the entire day.
2 – Slow down.
3 – Practice delaying gratification.
4 – Practice thinking before you speak. If we’re patient, pause and go over what we want to say, we can avoid hurting or offending others.
5 – Take deep breaths to try to relax when you find yourself getting impatient. Whenever we are stressed we tend to lose our patience.
6 – Identify the things that are causing you to become stressed out.
7 – Don’t rush things. Things will happen to you when the timing is right.
8 – Think back to a time that you had to wait for something which turned out to be rewarding.
9 – Next time you have to wait for something, take the free time to do something fun or meditate.
10 – Take the time to help others. For example, having to deal with the elderly and the hearing impaired definitely requires patience. By helping others on a regular basis, such as the elderly, you will find yourself slowing down a bit and becoming more patient. Patience can bring out the compassionate side of you.
11 – Plan ahead. Instead of rushing, give yourself enough time and allow for unforeseen circumstances. For example: Plan to leave home earlier than you normally would. Give yourself sufficient time to finish a project before the due date, instead of waiting until the last minute.

Once you have accumulated patience, you have to check who you associate yourself with. Who you talk with, who you spend time with and what you do regularly. Because what matters to you will most likely not matter to person next to you. What I am saying is that be innovative, create something that will make life easier and create more employment.

Once you have discovered what you want and how you are going to get it, it’s gonna have an impact on the people you associate yourself with. From a mind-set standpoint, you may have heard that in general people tend to perform to the standards of their peer group. The people you associate with, how they live, what their attitude to life is like, how much money they make, etc., heavily influences your attitude and actions too.

This is why it’s critical that you surround yourself with people you regard and aspire to be like. If your peer group is negative, they don’t support you and don’t aspire to great things themselves, then they will hold you back. You may not notice it directly, but the impact they have on your mind-set is dramatic. That’s why it’s so important to disassociate yourself from people who are not supporting your dreams.

Here are the types of people who you dissociate yourself from:
1- The people who show strong disapproval of your ideas.
2 – The people who brings out negative energy of you.
3 – Ignorant people.
4 – The people who live with lies.
5 – Critics, people who are critical, talk about all the things they don’t like.

Philippians 4:8,9 read thus, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.”