I remember well the day Matric results were released. I had to go around my village to check for somebody had a newspaper. I saw my name there… with some As in the brackets. I had passed with flying colours.

I can tell you, nobody ever said congratulations to me. No one! I mean no single person. I mean even those who just merely passed had chickens slaughtered for them. I had to pat myself on the shoulder and congratulate myself. I shut myself in my room and thanked God.

Now Grade 12s, I had no one to say get up, read your books. My motivation was the dream I had, my family situation. I wanted to change it. I was surrounded by motivation. I stayed in a motivation; RDP house.

I ate motivation, not so fancy food. Matric is like a penalty. You decide whether you score and root out the poor background in your family or allow it to continue. Looking at your mom who is washing clothes for neighbours so that you can eat should motivate you. Don’t you wanna push a trolley at Woolies with your mom going to the till to swipe for her? Okay now stop acting like o ngwana wa Patrice Motsepe and prepare for your exam; the only golden ticket to your bright future.