Mr. and Mrs. Nagasaki slept in different bedrooms for the first time ever since they spoke their vows. Liu woke up early to consult another doctor for a second opinion about his condition. And the results came back the same.
“So you’re saying there’s no chance I’m having kids,” Liu remarked.
“I’m afraid it appears so Mr. Nagasaki,” The doctor concluded.
After the doctor’s appointment, Liu met up with his lawyer before driving back home. In the afternoon, he parked his Mercedes e53s inside the Skyscraper. His wife Nina, was still at work and so a moment to be alone appeared.
He went straight to their bedroom and knelt on his left side of the bed then tears fell down his face as he prayed.
“God, I don’t do this often but now I have no one to turn to. All my life I’ve tried to do the right thing, but here I am coming up short. My wife Nina dreams of having children and starting a family, things I cannot give her. I am defeated my Lord, please forgive me for my sins, amen.”
Hours passed and evening came, when Nina opened the elevator doors and entered the silent and dim living room.
Liu was sitting on the first few steps of the staircase, facing down. Nina placed her handbag on the table then asked him “Are you ready to talk now?”
“Yes I am,” Liu replied.
She sat next to him and said, “My intention is not to fight Liu, I just want to understand why the sudden shift? From day one we talked about having children and building a family, so what changed?” Nina gazed at him.
For a minute he struggled to find words as he listened to the debate that took place in his mind, when his intuition advised, “Tell her the truth.” And his pride argued, “If you do, she’ll never see you as a man again. In her eyes you’ll be reduced into a failure.” Fear added, “She’ll probably leave you if you do tell her.” Then his intuition concluded “If she is set to leave, then why do it later and not now?”
So he got up, fetched a copy of his medical report in their bedroom. Came back and gave it to her, all without uttering a single word.
Nina’s eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped as she read the report. Her right palm quickly closed her mouth and she looked at Liu who was sitting on her left side speechless. Meanwhile she was organizing her thoughts, Liu passed her another document.
“You want a divorce!?” she asked, astonished.
“No, I don’t want a divorce. Just that I know how bad you want a family, and clearly that’s something I cannot give you. So I am open to letting you go, if you can’t handle it. Trust me, I understand my love.” He answered while facing down, as it was tough to face her.
Liu couldn’t contain himself any longer, so he grabbed his car keys and said, “I need some air and so do you. I’ll come back tomorrow morning. And just know that whatever decision you make for yourself, won’t change the love I have for you.”
Then the elevator doors closed and immediately tears escaped his fortified glassy eyes.
Nina quickly ran to her bedroom, and jumped inside the bed covers then sobbed heavily. She was confused and devastated. So she consulted the one she trusted the most.
“Dear heavenly father, I come to you like I always do. I don’t know what’s happening or why it’s happening. But I ask you to guide my steps so that your will may happen, amen.” Then fell into a deep sleep afterwards.
Morning came and the sun said hello to Liu who slept in his car. It was now time to go back home. But his feet kept on shaking above the pedals like his hands did on the steering wheel. The closer he got to the building the faster his heart raced.
“Come on, keep it together Liu!” He encouraged himself before stepping inside the elevator.
The elevator doors opened and Liu was greeted by the smell of Hainanese chicken rice.
His favourite dish made up of nine slices of chicken that sat next to three bowls of sauces and circled by two slices of cucumbers and roasted rice garnished with a green leafy plant.
Nina welcomed him with a bright smile and embraced him.
“what’s going on?” he asked surprised.
“I know that this is not what you expected, but you not being able to give me children is not the end of us. We’ll look for other alternatives and get through this together,” she replied.
“I thought you were going to leave me.” Liu finally looked her in her eyes.
She took a gas lighter and burned the divorce papers in front of him then said. “I won’t leave you because I love you regardless of your condition. Now go freshen up and come back to eat.”
Liu ran up the stairs a confused but happy man. Then into their bedroom, he knelt down and said, “thank you Lord.”
He then took a quick shower, before going back downstairs to eat his favourite meal with his lovely wife while enjoying the sight of the orange and clear sunrise from the eastern horizon.