The world is full of jealous people. I am surrounded by jealous people. People who don’t want to see other people progressing in their lives. People who don’t want to be seeing other people doing well in their lives.

The world is full of jealous people, people who don’t want to see other people doing better than them. People who don’t want to see other people smiling because of the successes from their hard work, but rather shedding tears in the valley of their failures.

The world is full of people who only want to hear failures of other people rather than their successes. The world is covered with people who only talk about failures of other people in public rather than their successes.

This world is full of people who don’t appreciate or admire other people who have succeeded their planned goals in their lives.

This world is full of people who only whisper about the success of other people in silent and not in public.

The world is full of jealous people, people who hate other people because of their successes,  not realising how hard they had strived to satisfy their goals. People who don’t know and understand how many sleepless days and nights they have spent to achieve their goals, and how they struggled to achieve them.

The world is full of jealous people, people who abandon you when you have something that they don’t have and may never have no matter how hard they work. People who would pray and even fast for your downfall when you are doing great in life.

This world is full of jealous people, people who only love you when you are failing in life rather than winning.

So learn to know the ones who are around you before they start changing their colours on your success. Know those people whom you consider them as your friends. Check if they are going to clap their hands and even rejoice for your success with happy faces.

Learn to know, understand and even analyse those people that surround you before they know you, because this world is not flooded with true and original people as you would hope it to be.