1. Depression

* Imprint
* Slump
* Melancholia

The feeling of being neglected and not being loved. People refer to depression as being hurt but there’s more. I am not saying they are wrong but the real reason that you are hurt is because of them neglecting, rejecting and not wanting you.

Then you end up empty inside and you need something to fill you up. Suicidal thoughts come and fill up that space because when you are depressed you end up taking desperate decisions. After you have taken those decisions, you end up getting hurt like the first time because you are empty and you are desperate to fill that emptiness with everything you come across.

You make desperate decisions that lead to what I call the second wave of depression, which can’t be survived. So, if you feel that you are empty, stay empty rather than being filled with temporal things. That emptiness could build up a habit in which you won’t rely on a person or need a person to help you feel yourself again.

“Do not lose sight of yourself when you start falling in love, because that’s how you lose yourself trying to put someone on a pedestal that puts them before you.”

2. Patience

* Endurance
* Fortitude
* Calmness

Everyone always says good things come to those who wait and patience leads to success. Why wait for things if you can stand up, strike and fetch them yourself? What I am saying is that no one is going to give you a nice life if you can’t take it. You won’t have a successful future if you don’t work for it now. Patience is a word in which excuses are made, there is nothing that the word has built so far. Instead of you fetching your life, you are sitting claiming to have patience. This word doesn’t give, it only takes, takes time from us, takes the stage in which we lay the foundation for the future, so if I were you I would stand up now, stop enduring and fetch my life. Patience has never paid well but hard work will do.

“Always remember that your life is your story: write well and edit well.”