Oh how everything has come to a standstill as we all realise that there is nothing more important in life than life itself. A blessing in a form of a curse and unfortunately, at the cost of other people’s lives.

Well, let me begin by defining what COVID-19 or the coronavirus is. It is a disease that causes illness in the respiratory system of humans. I am sure you are tired of hearing about the symptoms, the precautions to take and the impact of COVID-19. But I will be honest with you my dear reader, it is not all bad, let me take you through the journey of the blessings of coronavirus.

Many of us feel depressed about the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown situation. But millions of people are rising to the occasion, and there’s a lot of good news amidst the bad too.

I personally don’t remember the last time I had spent quality time with my family; the only time we usually spoke was in the mornings when everyone was preparing for their day away from home.

When the lockdown was first announced I won’t lie, I was one of the people who complained and having to adjust to the changes. It was just not what I was prepared for. But yes, I got a chance to know my family and actually bond with them. I am very certain that I may not be the only one who is grateful for the opportunity to get to spend time with those I call family.

Okay let us look at nature. I am a lover of nature and I say this pandemic has given nature a time to heal. Look at it this way, I am sure you feel the difference in the morning breeze and the air, all in all, feels fresh and brand new. It has an element of healing from all the dirt, humans have caused and created. Individual greenhouse gas emissions are reducing in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

As people around the world are on lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19, they are actually giving nature space to heal, offering a silver lining to an otherwise very dark story. There is a reduction in air pollution as the lockdown is in place; mother nature is truly healing.

See, it turns out the lockdown and the virus are not that bad after all, well at least for mother nature. With industrial work shut down and having very few vehicles on the road, pollution across the world has been drastically falling.

I have been reading about what people think about the virus and the lockdown. There is a post I came across on social media. A kid posted, “I love this lockdown and thank you COVID-19, I love this version of mama, that is sober and not abusive but rather loving and knowing she has children to cater for.”

Reading that got me thinking it is indeed important to have family next to you and all it took was a deadly virus to remind us all the importance of life.

The coronavirus has brought many close to God and they have learnt to kneel and pray for they have seen that nothing beats prayer. Allow me to be closer in prayer, dear God here I humble myself in your presence and ask for forgiveness, I ask you to heal your earth for there is no one who knows his home better than he who built it.

I ask for intervention as we are faced with this pandemic. I also ask you to forgive those that do not know of your ways and doings as I always hear them making fun of everything for they do not believe the existence of this deadly illness. As if they are waiting for the disease to take one of their beloved. Lord if this is truly your wrath please forgive your children for, we have seen life is more important than anything else in this life.

Please stay home and be safe so we can fight this and have a new chance at life, for it will be a second chance in life to do what we have always wanted to do.


Tell us: What have you learned about yourself during lockdown?