Have you heard about it? The story about the train driver. When it’s in motion. Along the way somebody stands to take their breath away. Life.
The driver closes the windows. Doesn’t dare to see the tragedy. Somebody being crashed into pieces. Who wants to see that? Nobody. Driver remains blinded. Just like us.
Sometimes that’s how it feels. Walking down the streets seeing young people hopeless. Wandering down the dumping sites. Trying to find something to eat. That pains me.
I don’t want to take that route again. It’s dark out there. We can’t see the freedom we’re being promised, it’s never fulfilled. While the future moulds. Bleeds to death in our hands.
Now here’s the chance to see. Are you too blind to lead us to the place of peace? We can’t see. Leaders. Guide us through the valley. Pandemic. Tunnel. Hold our hands. Sanitise us. We can’t feel this warm touch, caring that mothers have from the heart. Are you blind?
I wondered what we should do given this moment. To see life not changing. Blinded remained. Why feet are giving to those that can’t even walk all the way to see the light on the other side of the mountain. Struggles. Beyond these blinds. Barriers covering the sun that shines through the window.
Why are we given these soft hearts? Breakable. But we are told to stand strong with these leaking broken hearts. Why do I keep on seeing storms that seem unbearable?
Let me through. Be away from situations that I can’t change. I mean, why do we have to see toddlers being raped? Killed by their fathers that were meant to take care of them? Why? Brutality. Poverty. Anger that suffocates. Did you see that? Corrupts. Winking eyes. Being Humpty Dumpty.
I mean why? Can’t the nation be set free and reach the destination that is intended to? Let me change my ways, I can’t keep on walking down this street filled with guns. Cries and blood all over the walls.
Let me remain blind. I can’t take this, no more, I don’t want to see this. Hell we’re driving into, let me close my eyes and pray. Blank it goes blind.
Tell us: Has the country gone blind to the struggle of the people? Motivate your answer.