Busiswa came rushing in, she was hungry and desperate to get breakfast before she went to work. Her job was very demanding. Being a full time HR manager and owning a restaurant was no child’s play.

She dashed into her favourite café.

“Hey, blueberry muffin and triple espresso with foam, right?” the waiter asked, with a smile, clearly proud of her memory.

“Please,” Busiswa said, fixing her tie and sitting down. She immediately went on her laptop, she had a lot of work to do. She’d been slacking as it had been her big sister’s wedding the week before. She looked around the room, her eyes fell on a beautiful dark skinned lady. She was wearing a loose black dress and high silver stilettos. She was busy sketching. Busiswa had to talk to her.

“Hi there,” Busiswa said, standing beside the lady.

“Morning,” the lady replied, without looking at her.

“I just had to greet you. I couldn’t help myself,” Busiswa said, sitting down.

“Okay. You’ve already greeted me. You may leave now,” the lady said, with a slight frown.

“Can I get your numbers?” Busiswa asked, with a smile.

“Unfortunately, no. I do not give out my numbers to strangers,” the lady replied, focusing on her sketching.

“Why not?” Busiswa asked.

“Multiple reasons. Please, stop wasting my time. State your reason for being here, or just do me the honour of taking your ass away from that seat,” the lady said, setting her pencil aside for a moment, to look at Busiswa.

“I’m not going to kneel down and propose my love to you, but, I do see that happening in the future. For now, let’s start with something simple. We’ve been talking for the past 54 seconds and I’ve yet to make your acquaintance?” Busiswa asked, leaning back.

“Mary. Mary Ngcobo,” she said, smiling this time.

“Busiswa. Busiswa Kheswa. It’s a pleasure meeting you,” she said shaking her hand.

“Can’t say the same,” Mary smiled unwillingly.

“I’ll leave you be. I can’t waste your time, after all, time is precious. Each second passed cannot be replaced,” Busiswa said as she stood up.

“You can sit if you want,” Mary looked at Busiswa.

“I’ve stated my reason for talking with you, so, I’ll do you the honour of taking my ass away,” Busiswa smiled.

“I don’t mind,” Mary said.

“I’d rather I leave you be,” Busiswa said.

“Please, sit,” Mary said.

“Okay. We can have breakfast together,” Mary smiled, “so, tell me about yourself, what you do,” Mary continued.

“I’m an HR specialist, and I own a restaurant,” Busiswa smiled.

“Cute and smart,” Mary smiled.

“Cute?” Busiswa blushed.

“I meant…never mind. I am a psychologist,” Mary said.

“Okay,” Busiswa laughed a bit.

“Here are your orders,” the waiter said, smiling at Busiswa.

“Thank you,” Busiswa paid for the both of them.

“Why did the girl turn to you for the money?” Mary asked.

“Maybe she just assumed…you know,” Busiswa laughed.

“Here, I’ll pay you back. I don’t want to be indebted to strangers,” Mary frowned.

“It’s fine. Breakfast is on me. Now you have a story to tell, a stranger paid for your breakfast,” Busiswa said.

“You’re right, I guess. So, do you have a woman?” Mary asked.

“No. I just got out of a bad relationship four months ago. You?” she asked.

“I’ve been single for two years. My job is very demanding,” Mary replied.

“All work and no play, makes Mary a dull girl,” Busiswa said.

Mary laughed. The most beautiful laughter came out of her.

“You have a beautiful smile,” Busiswa said.

“Thank you. I haven’t laughed like that in a while,” Mary smiled.

“So, what’s good?” Busiswa asked, sipping her espresso.

“Chocolate muffin,” Mary said.

“Not the muffins. You?” Busiswa smirked.

“I will not dignify that with an answer,” Mary almost blushed.

“Why?” Busiswa asked.

“Because, I do not believe a stranger should ask me that. Matters of the bedroom stay in the bedroom,” Mary told her.

“Such as, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” Busiswa laughed.

“You’re smart,” Mary said.

“I’m running late. Can I get your number?” Busiswa asked.

“No. If we’re meant to meet again, then I’ll give you my number. If we don’t meet, then it just wasn’t meant to be,” Mary said.

“Believe in fate and destiny?” Busiswa asked.

“I believe in a lot of things,” Mary said.

“I’d better leave. I hope fate brings us together again,” Busiswa stood up.

“We can only just hope,” Mary smiled.

Busiswa bent over, gave Mary a slight kiss on the cheek then walked out. She got in her car, thinking about that beautiful and mysterious woman she met, she’d never met anyone like her. She wished to see her again.

All she could do is hope, for all she knew, she looked like the one when she saw her from across the room.


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