I’m sitting looking through the photo recordings of my ancient family, my ancestors, the great kings and queens that ever walked the palace grounds and saw my palace the way I do by calling it home, the only place I knew.

I was the prince that defeated the dragons through every battle. My mother, the queen of the kitchen, would walk the palace grounds with the heavy crown weighing her down, with pride and dignity.

She taught me to perceive through my struggle and to appreciate my problems with honour. For every royal prince there is, makes a true king.

That’s when I realized that we all come from the same place, we all go through struggle and it depends on us to face it. I realized that a kingdom that stands together to fight a battle proves that blood is thicker than water.

There I sit with the weight of my kingdom on my head, the crown that’s weighing me down, well I guess it’s my time to rule.