Sphesihle is 24 years old and lives in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. Sphesihle is working at the moment but would love to study script-writing.
What is your favourite book?
My favourite book is “Nothing but the truth”.
What music do you enjoy?
I love listening to R&B and Gospel.
What are your plans for the future?
I would love to see myself become a famous writer – it’s not about the money but rather about my passion. God gave me talent and I’m afraid that one day he will ask me what I did with it. When I pass, I want to show that I did use my talent – I fear God a lot.
I want to use my talents in the right way. I also do motivational speaking. I’m a poet and I would love to be remembered for those things when I am gone.
What is your message for the youth of SA today?
My message for the youth is: Use your time well and take full advantage of any opportunity that is give to you. Put God first and remember that whatever you want to achieve, you must fight and work hard for it. God only helps those who help themselves. Maybe if Adam and Eve had not eaten that apple then everything would have come easy for humans. But they did eat it and that is why good things only come through hard work and pain.
Good luck to all the youth out there!
Read Sphesihle’s short story: Double Heaven