I stared at the figure standing right above me, with tattoos on his muscular arms, and a goatee on his chin. In his hand, was a bloodstained butcher’s knife. He smiled as he knelt and sliced off my finger. I shrieked in pain, as he brought my dripping finger to his mouth and noisily started chewing. He took his time chewing it, bone and all, before swallowing it. He then looked at me with a satisfied look and brought up the blade to my throat. I realised that he wanted to put an end to me already. He had a smug grin on his face “You taste better than your friend”.
I can’t just let this happen, I thought to myself. I had to do something!
With all the strength that I could muster, I swatted him with my bleeding hand.
I watched as he flew back, the knife clanging on the wall behind him. I saw that the lights still outside were shining brightly. I could hear footsteps running towards the building. I struggled to stand up, the pain in my abdomen making it difficult. As he rushed to grab the knife, I limped out of the door as quickly as I could. Once I was outside, I screamed at the top of my lungs for someone, anyone to help me.
Two arms wrapped themselves around my throat, making me struggle to breathe. He had caught up to me. I tried to shake him off, and the two of us fell to the ground. I struggled to get him off of me, but he was too strong for me. He had me pinned down, with one hand holding my two feeble arms. The other one he used, was to pull out the bloody knife from his back pocket. I loosened his grip on me and got one of my arms free. Grabbing his wrist with my free arm, I wrestled him for the knife. He kept twisting his arm, moving it like a writhing snake. He then stood up, lifted me off the ground, and flung me high in the air.
I could hear a crack behind me as I crashed into a street light, followed by a sharp pain in my back as I fell and groaned. I looked at my attacker, running towards me. No…running towards the gleaming blade that lay in front of me. Quickly I swiped ii, as he bent down to pick it up. He tried to snatch it from me, and without a second thought, I thrust the knife straight into his chest. He stopped and gaped at me wide-eyed. He gave a small whine, before falling on top of me, dead.
I rolled his body off of me, all the while breathing heavily like a panting bulldog. I looked over to the street. My vision was starting to fade, as I caught a glimpse of red and blue lights coming toward me. I could hear the sound of a siren approaching me, but growing fainter by the second. Then, slowly, my vision faded to darkness.