One of the good days there was a boy whom lived his life like nobody’s business.Everything he desired he made sure that he got it , not due to hard working or hustling but crime .The boy’s name was Zakes.for more information keep scrolling till the end of the story .

It was on Monday morning when Zakes mother went into his son’s room to open up curtains and woke him up .She said “hey you it’s time for you to wake up ,go search for a job and stop with your criminal activities .The boy was fascinated by notorious gangsters , sports cars and guns . Everything to do with gangsters it impressed him.The boy was now full of himself since he was living the soft life .He had no respect for everyone even though her mother whom gave birth to him.

It was so disrespectful of him to back chat when his mother was telling him what to do .While the boy’s mother was waking him up Zakes got rid of her like a piece of trash .Her mother was hurted ,and he climbed out of bed then headed out of his home to push ispane sakhe .

He went to one of his friends whom he trusted and knew that he could get the job done .His name was New York .New York was up for it then Zakes started informing him about the mission.The mission was going to happen in the house where by the owner of the big shop in their township is living.Zakes knew that every Saturday the owner would take money home to the safe.They went there it was on Saturday they did not know who was in the house they attacked .Found that the owner was inside along with his bodyguards .

Gun shots started firing and Zakes shot the owner .New York told Zakes that they had to go because they’ve got the money .On their way to exit one of the bodyguards showed up and shot Zakes his friend ran away and left him lying on the floor .God did misfortune to Zakes .Zakes did not go to heaven or hell but his spirit was wandering around only the owner’s son could talk and notice him.

His mother and friend New York , the one that he claimed is his friend they said that he deserved it .Her mother was fed up and hurted so she couldn’t bear the pain any longer but to accept and move on with life.Because in Zulu they say”Ozenzileyo a khalelwa”Her mother was comforting the owner’s family and his friend was pushing the game happily that Zakes is no longer in the picture.Zakes protected the owner’s boy because he took one’s life whom was suppose to do so .God works in mysterious ways.

The End