It’s sounded so brilliant at the moment so I decided to start plotting my plan and yes I was a fool I know. Bad kid. No actually I was too old to be a kid then so I was a bad adult. 
By the end of the week everything was set and well I must say it still sounded perfect if I were to break it all down for you you’d most definitely agree with me that it’s the most perfect plan ever; more perfect than any other plan in the history of plans. Time was flying by so fast like flies so I had to move and move quick cause it was getting close to month end and my landlord would kick me out. 
I called my grandmama acting all sick and guess what she said, she was like ” Anele I’m literally rolling my eyes as I speak to you right now, what do you want?” 
My jaw just dropped to the floor at how she answered the phone. I mean when I last saw her it was at my dad’s funeral and she just came to tell me to join her in ” being racist” and when I declined she stormed off leaving the funeral before it even started in one of her expensive cars that I will soon borrow if I played my cards right, yes you heard me right “Borrow” 
See I’m really desperate for cash right now and I promise myself to never rob the old or poor but I never promised myself to never rob the old and rich kind so why not? 
Anyway I finally convinced my grandmama to let me visit her for a month and to my surprise she agreed that kind of got me wondering what was she plotting? Suspicious right? 
I don’t know perhaps I was over thinking it. So I moved in with my grandmama and well I know I said a month with her but well the sadness just keeps over coming me well the thing is that I stayed with her until I was 37. Then she died and wanna know something funny? She left me everything. Right now I’m writing this sitting in a luxurious bathtub eating strawberries and I must say this was a brilliant plan even though it took so long; try it. You won’t regret it 

Yours faithfully Anele Monroe

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