After she finished on the dishes she want out to the pool where Vou was was seated on a lounging chair reading a magazine.


” yes lsla is there a problem?”

” No, no l just wanted to know when the kids would be getting back”

” ohh” a sad distant look pasted in Vou’s eyes ” l don’t have any children” ” ohh, I’m sorry l just assumed…”

” No, no.” Vou said with a wave of the hand. Come sit down, tell me about yourself.”

“Well…” lsla replied propping the cushion behind her

” My name is Isla Aruda and l come from a small town in Minnesota.”

At the end of the day, Isla and Vou were holding their sides from laughter. Who would’ve known that two girls from Minnesota would have so much in common.

Isla was laughing so hard that she didn’t even notice the gate roll open and a Stunning Black Porsche step in. The car parked and and guy stepped out and started walking tp them.

” Baby!!!” Vou yelled as she got up from the chair

” Hey babe…” they kissed. This is lsla our new helper” Vou announced

” Nice to meet you.” Brian said to lsla holding out his hand

“Likewise.” Isla said returning the hand shake.

Tell us: What do you think is going to happen with the guy who gave her a lift?