Don’ t judge a book by its cover 


 Adam was busy loitering in the street because he was bored and a man in the black hood caught his attention. He was with a woman and something was not right. Adam glanced at them.

The eyes of the woman were teary and perplexed. The man in hoody grabbed the woman by force,proving to Adam that she was in danger ,that is when he saw the knife pointing behind the woman’s waist. The man appeared to be strong; broad with muscular chest ,he also noticed his strong hands . But only an observer could perceive it. Everyone was busy with their everyday business but Adam recognized the woman . She was window shopping until a man appeared from nowhere and dragged her stealthy. Adam tailed them. He felt it was the right thing to do.

The man led the woman to an alley between an old abandoned building . Adam didn’t want to a hero but his instinct knew that it was better if he could save​ the woman. He peered behind the tree which faced the alley like a thief waiting for an opportunity.

” If you scream I will kill you,” the man hissed and made the woman feel the sharp knife behind her.

She nodded and looked back and spotted Adam. Her eyes trickled with tears. Adam knew there was opportunity to save the woman. The man was making a call with his other hand and the other was pointing the knife. Adam​ smiled when he saw a thick log and hit hard on the man’s head. The man fell this on the cement ground.

“Let’s go,” he grabbed the woman .

The woman was reluctant and her body trembled. Adam tried again to pull her but she didn’t move her feet. The woman started to cry when she saw blood on the floor near the man’s head.

“Let’s go,”he shouted and angrily.

Did the woman know this man? Why was she hesitating to be free? 

Adam was tired but they had to run. He had fear that the man wasn’t alone . The woman pointed to the building without uttering a word.

” What is it?” he asked. The woman pointed again to the window that had a curtain.

He sounded uncertain , couldn’t find the right words.

” You want us to go in there?” he shouted and saw the man moving his leg and arm.

” We got to get out of there,” he shouted and grabbed the woman by force . 

 She pulled away while running out of breath and wobbled as she walked and raced in the building with paint peeling off.

” Hey…..Are you crazy,” he shouted and sighed.

The man was gaining conscious and Adam followed the woman inside the room with window with cracks and found her on the stairway. He was hit by a pigment smell of old urine and there was dirty litter everywhere. Adam heard screeching of two black Toyota Runx and he ran to the cracked window and saw three man dressed in black suits emerging from the cars and they panted down to the wounded and. Adam ‘ s heart raced as if it would escape his body when saw the man looked vicious. They were whispering to the wounded man, probably warning them of him,he thought.

” We gotta go. It’s four against one,” he pulled the woman and ran through the exit door. They ran down another alley and they panted behind a wall when realized they were far.

” We should have left when i said so but…. You…. what is your problem?” he muttered between his breath and pushed the woman harshly.

The woman cried because she hit her back on the wall roughly and he stared at her worriedly. He pace back and forth , confusedly but realized he had wronged the woman.

” Okay… I’m sorry but I was just trying to save you,” he added trying to comfort her .

He tried to pat her back to keep her from crying but she trembled when he touched her.

” Sorry,let’s go to the police,” he said in a ordering voice.

The woman looked back and followed Adam to the police.


” Start from the beginning again… I don’t get your story,” the officer asked , staring straight in Adam’s eyes while giving a dirty look. He was skinny and short with chocolate skin with a fierce face.

” I already told you three times… You don’t believe me right?” he clicked his tongue.

The police officer were not in uniform and were sitting opposite him and between was a table. The tall and dark officer had a notepad and pen in his hand. A tape recorder was placed on the table to record his statement.

” The victim isn’t saying anything …..The worst part is the woman had been abused and seems like she is on drugs,” he spoke hastily with a serious face.

” What does that mean?” Adam fidgeted with his legs when he realized that the police officer’s head had spun with all possibilities.

He could smell danger when one of officer drum his fingers on the table.

” It means …. You are a suspect,” the officer replied and stopped the recording.

” What?” he shouted angry and became aggressive.

Two police officer dressed in uniform came and dragged him away. He fought with them .

” I was just helping the woman. I didn’t do anything . Please let me go. I have a wife and child at home,” he shouted as the officers dragged him in a cell .

The captain with a chubby body but dark and had short hair entered the investigation room and sat with the officer Nathan was the tall and dark one..

” Sir, I suspect he is the in the kidnapping​ of woman around here,” he sighed and glanced at Adam , tilting his head and sizing him.

 ” Do you have evidence?” Captain Wayne asked.

“Not yet… We going to capture it. I have send a team to the abandoned building,”the officer Nathan replied and looked at at his notepad.

” Many girls are being kidnapped but what worries me is that the victim is in her late 20s. We hope the psychologist will help us with her statement,” Captain Wayne stood up and walked towards the door.