“Uncle what do you mean uncle you are nothing but a enemy to us”, Liam says, at this point I’m really confused as you are but then the light bulb switched on.
***** Flashback”*****
“Hey little princeling where is your sister”, Lauren says. ” Uncle Lauren don’t call me that I’m 14 now aren’t I a little to old for that name”, Liam says with a voice sounding irritated heading to his room. “Hey half what just happened, nevermind come here I need you to go somewhere”, the king says. “Yes your highness! I’m coming right away just give a second”, Lauren says rudely to Leon his twin brother the king.
Lauren goes to the kings chamber but he doesn’t go there in good intentions. “What what do you want, just because you are king you are bossing me around as if I’m not your brother dammit, father always liked you more than me I don’t know how the crown chose you, you used to smoke and drink and now you are suddenly the mature brother when you used to tell me to do wrong and I wonder how the crown chose you”, he says in anger.
“What are you saying Lauren you know I really have changed, when the crown was put on my head it changed me for the better, the crown sees your future and how you will handle the kingdom”, he says. “And my future was bad right, you know ever since you got that power you have been so commanding, you know I’ve had enough of this, I’m leaving for good”, Lauren says while leaving.
“But I will be back to claim what’s mine brother, no matter what it takes even if it is to execute you and your family”, uncle Lauren storms out with father following him, they don’t see that I was listening all this while.
Then a few hours after uncle Laurens departure an invasion strikes.
*****End of flashback*****
“Uncle Lauren is that you”, I ask. “Oh look someone remembers their sweet uncle, Liam never liked me anyways, so he won’t remember but please call me Raymond I hate that name Lauren it makes me think of my dimwitted brother”, he says. “Don’t you dare call our father a dimwit after you murdered the whole of Zeon in a explosion you physo”, Liam says.
“Murdered why would I murder my own brother, I actually wanted to rule that planet but then that dum enemies the Gorg killed them all before I could even rule over the planet before I could make your daddy pay, why would I ruin the only opportunity to torture the people of Zeon and it’s king and family but no worries I’ve found a new way now since you guys are royal blood too”, he says with an evil laugh.
“So what do you want with us when you are royal yourself, let Kiara go now”, Liam says.
“Well the thing is Liam I tried to wear this crown and you know what happened it didn’t work, it didn’t glow like it was supposed to, so this means either you, Liya or my kids are next in line”, he says, his kids he had kids wow why is that not a suprise to me. “You have kids, I wonder how they came out to be I wish they are much nicer than you are”, I say. “And much prettier too”, Liam adds . We burst out in laughter. “That’s enough”, Raymond shouts out.
“Let’s see how you will react when you find out who my kids out. Kids come out”, we stop laughing when we see who it is. “What now cousin why do you seem surprised, is it suprising that I’m alive or because I’m your cousin”, it’s Sean but I thought he died. “Sean”, Liam and I gasps together. “Oh don’t forget about me Liam”, it’s Kiara, well this is a shocking twist.
“What no Kiara you, you are…”, he can’t seem to finish he’s sentence I understand his heartbroken so I do it for him. “I think what my brother is trying to say is you guys are sick, why would you try to be close to us like that, we family and to come to believe we kissed, I’m discussed out of my mind”, I say disgusted.
“You know you’re sick in the head and making me mad in the stomach”, I say but Raymond has had enough and finally speaks. “Enough, Kiara tried the crown on and Sean too but it didn’t work so this means it’s up to you two my nephew and niece”, he comes our way and grabs Liam by the arm. “Come my little princeling’s its time for you to be king for your uncle”, he says sounding like a true physo. “Never you freak, you physo”, Liam says. “Oh why thank you but I rather call myself a evil genius if you don’t mind. Know get going!” He says shouting out at Liam so as to go put the crown on.
“Uhm sorry to interrupt I know I’m not supposed to ask this but what will you do if they become king or queen”, Brian asks him. Come to think of it it’s quite a good question.
“Enough”, Raymond shouts out, Sean grabs Brian and puts him in a shock cage.” “Well come on then let’s see who is gonna be King of Queen”, Kiara says grabbing Liam by the arm. Liam goes without fighting and gives in, he puts the crown on. “Yes, yes ha.a”, Raymond says in his most nasty laugh. But by suprise nothing happened. What no, no”, Raymond says. I think he figured it out if I become Queen I will be the strongest I always was compared to my other half.
“Well sister the crown chose correct, you would be a great queen”, he says while I go forward with confidence to wear the crown. It shows as bright as ever. ” So my dearest family what are guys gonna do now, oh sorry I guess didn’t figure that out yet”, I say. “Well my dear cousin i think you forgot we still have your boyfriend over here with us. “Babe don’t worry they are just to chicken to hurt me and plus I know you would never let anything happen to me”, he says.
“Oh what a drama you know Brian I had a crush on you but my perfect cousin snatched you away from me but now you belong to her so I have to kill you”, before I could say much or even do much she shoots Brian straight at the chest. “No!!! Brian”, I go running to the cage he was at and opened it bare hands without the fear of getting shocked by it. I use two of my powers to get through the shock cage. “Baby don’t close your eyes stay with me please”, I say.
“Well Liya you just lost the only one who was gonna be by you no matter the circumstances well except your brother”, Kiara says. They all burst out with a wild evil laughter. “Well you think it’s funny huh”, I say looking angry.
My eyes start turning red, well I guess that’s lazer well everybody with powers has to have lazer eyes. “Hey come on you not gonna zap your only family now are you”, Raymond says looking scared as I he’d their way , they move back step by step, at this point I have already found a way to trap the guards. “Well what are you gonna do now, you’ve really done it now, you killed her fiancé and your guards are trapped so there is no way to run dear uncle”, Liam says in anger.
“You think you can kill us, never you too chicken enough to do so “, Sean says laughing along with his sister.”I wouldn’t be laughing if I was in your situation cause you really testing my patience”, I say with my eyes turning redder. I zap them down with my lazer eyes and boom they fainted by the zap cause I didn’t kill them, I lock them up in a cage.
“Liam just call the I.G.P (inter-galactic-police) and tell them to come pick these scum bags up they discussed me”, I say with tears in my eyes. I hed over to Brian , I touch him on his chest and then I take his hand to put above my baby bump and then I put mine on top of his. “Baby please you can’t leave us”, I say crying.
Then my hands start to glow as I put my hand on his chest. It seems like I’m healing him. I think I have healing powers as well. I close my eyes and start saying a few words to wake him up so that he can try to open his eyes as I heal him because I think this healing power is draining my energy but I have no choice I need my love and the future king beside me. “Come on baby wake up, I need you please, we need you, Liam and I and our little unborn angel too please open your eyes my love”, I say crying and healing him.
Soon I hear a voice . “Don’t worry baby it’s not my turn to die yet, I’ll never leave you remember I promised you that, I love you now please don’t cry “, it’s Brian he’s finally awake and looks fit and fine as if nothing happened at all. I try to repair all the broken things in the castle before everyone comes in or out and we kinda need to think of something to explain what happened here.