I’m sure the others must be hungry I feel so bad for them. It’s been four months now, maybe that’s why they were not planning to tour this whole place it’s damn big. And then we see these two men walking towards us but luckily they can’t see us as they are looking down.

“Hey guys there is a door let’s go there and take a rest for a while I think this place is crawling with all these men”, Brian whispers to us. For once I think that is a great idea. We hed into one of the rooms which looks like a place for extinct animals not the dinosaur tho. “Liam come here we need to talk asap” I call Liam aside while the others are busy setting the food and other stuff ready.

“Yah I know I think they must be looking for us because they know we wouldn’t be staying in that hell of a place ,we are the kings children for christ sake can’t they spare a moments rest”, he says. “Yeah we seriously need to find that crown immediately and I think we should tell them, I am anyways pregnant with Brian’s child he had to know one way or the other and plus as soon as we are done with this semester we are going to get married he needs to know, they need to know” I say then I hear footsteps. “What do we need to know, are you guys planning to steal ‘The Crown of Zeon’ that is not right it’s stealing”, Kiara says. “It’s not stealing if the crown belongs to you”, Liam blurts out in anger. “What” they both gasp.

“What do you mean it belongs to you, are you telling me you belong to the royal family of Zeon, lies that’s just a myth”, Kiara starts laughing but Brian looks at me and he instantly sees the truth. “So the stories you heard the myth what does it say, that we are aliens and we eat people’s brain and all that nonsense”, Liam says angrily.

“Half calm down the truth is guys all that story is false, we are humans. Long time ago like 30 000 years back there was a asteroid that hit earth, so that asteroid hit on a small farm were a small family lived, the White family.

People always said that , that family is witches or something. But the fact is the moment the asteroid hit, the family knew what it was, they weren’t even shocked, it was a ticket home, their real home , Zeon, our ancestors Leon White and the family was waiting on that asteroid for a long time, the asteroid was actually a ship to Zeon the family had to choose people who lived close to them that was loyal the people who always helped and respcted them. So those who were chosen went with to Zeon, they were not royal but they were the first loyal subjects to the King and Queen.

Then as the years pass we move on to our family were we come in, our planet was blown up by our enemy Raymond and his crew, so mom and dad send us here to earth before the explosion happened with Maddie and Andrew”, I say. “So Maddie and Andrew are not your real parents but guardians”, Brian asks.

“Yes at the age of 14 we were taken to earth by Maddie and Andrew we actually begged them to adopt us because school needed documents but the department said it was okay if we wanted to keep or surnames but Maddie and Andrew had to adopt us on our behest so that Amy could have our surname, so Maddie and Andrew were nice enough to change their surnames to ours so yeah and please don’t tell Amy, she doesn’t know this so I beg you please don’t tell her” I say after a long talk. Kiara seems to be shocked but also seems like she’s faking the shock whereas Brian is so happy for some reason. “Why don’t you look disappointed my love”, I ask him with a down looking face. “Disappointed for what, I’m just excited that my love is a royal ” he says but then his face changes again to being sad.

“I’m just sad that you lost your ex boyfriend in such a bad way and then your parents in an aweful explosion”, he says looking sad, I give him a kiss on his face showing that it’s okay. “But now I have you guys right”, I say with a smile holding onto my bump. “But I heard that royal’s are rude and that royal’s treat people like trash and all that”, Kiara blurts out of nowhere with a scared face. “Don’t worry Kiara I know that they are not that kind of people” Brian says to her.

Liam and I give him a thank you smile for clarifying that up. Then suddenly a flash comes through the door nob. “Shhhh I think it’s them”, I say to them, we quickly go hide. After seems to be 30 minutes that they struggle to open the door, they leave because I think they realise that they need remote for that. We went inside our tents and slept. Early morning we wake up and leave.

Then we see a sign which says cafeteria this way. We sit down and have a bite of biscuits and cupaccino. We then take chances to look out for Raymond’s men but they decide not to let me look out as I need the rest. I take a quick power nap then we are off again. Suddenly Kiara disappears, which was strange she was just here awhile ago. “Guys where is Kiara she was here a minute ago”, Liam asks with worry in his voice. “Don’t worry maybe she’s still on her way”, I say looking down the aisle we just came from then that is when I hear a voice yelling for help. “Did you guys here that”, I ask them, then again the person shouts help. We hed towards the voice and then finally we arrive at the Royal room.

“Guys I think this is a trap”, Brian says. “Fine then I’m gonna go in I’ve started to like Kiara even tho she is a little sour and judgy sometimes. “I’m going in”, he says. Before we could stop him or even say much he enters the royal room. “Well, well, well look who has finally arrived. Hello young princeling where is the other one”, the man says. Then I enter with Brian. “Oh there you are and with guest, welcome to my humble abode, this is as far as I dream of being close to royal things and company in this room of royalty”, it’s Raymond. “Where is Kiara you prick”, Liam says in anger. “Is that the way to talk to your uncle Liam”, uncle, why is he saying that.