
I thought the lunch was going to be awkward but it was not, we talked about anything and everything. He listened to everything that I had to say without making me feel like my thoughts are non important, he listened to me and at other parts gave me his opinion.

“Thank you for the lunch.” I said.

“Maybe we can do it again.” Thobane asked wiping his hands.

I shrugged my shoulders “Yeah maybe.” He smiled as if he knew that someday I will agree to go out with him, I stood up. He sat there and watched me with a little smiling playing on his lips.

I found him to be mysterious and I was like a cat, I am very curious about everything and anything and that included him to the mix. Ever since I met him he has always been on my mind not to mention that he is a whole dang artist a good one if I have to say so myself.

I walked out not daring to look behind him one last time, I wielded myself not took at him even when my whole body begged me to do so. Although I knew that he was damn well looking at me probably with a smile.

I ignored the guy as he opened the door for me, I went into the taxi.

When I arrived home Langa was already here and said something about a decision he made to come back home early because there was no work to be done or something like that.

He was sitting on the couch watching his favourite show of boxing, and I was on my feet chooping vegetables, I was never the domisticated type but ever since Langa came into my life I somehow became the person I never thought I would become.


“Mhhm?” He said not even looking at my direction as he took a sip of his beer.

“What’s my favourite colour?” I dont know why I even asked him, it is something I never asked him before because it was irrelevant to me that was until Thobane stated my favourite colour not to mention the fact that he has barely known me a week.

He shrugs “Purple, no it must be green.”

My heart broke into many pieces, he doesnt know my favourite colour how come? when I have been with him for so long. But I kept pushing I am stubborn like that “What do I drink every morning?”

“Uhh tea , why are we even talking about such things?” He asked looking at me briefly before turning back on what he was watching.

I continued chooping so that he wont see the hurt on my face that was showing without a doubt. “I was just asking.”

But it was more than that, I thought he knew all about me. We had been together for so long and he barely knew anything about me.

Tears threatened to come out but I didn’t let them as I continued chopping.