“Days went by,but still Lucas do not want to be involve in a playing a role as a father to their unborn baby.
“Now i can feel that my tummy is very huge ,”says Sophy . While she is eating fruits.
I wonder why Lucas do this to me!
“Do i look like a curse to him?” Sophy’s asks herself but nobody answered her because she was talking alone.
The following day she feels an unusual pain; she then asks some neighbourhood women to come with her to the clinic. when they get there she gave birth to a handsome boy . Her heart feels with huge joy even though she knows that she will take care of this child alone.
“How do you feel my dear?” Nurse’s asks?
I’m so excited … Sophy’s said.
“If you can’t  be able to keep the baby you should leave him here so that we can give someone who need to adopt him,” says Nurse’s.
“Ok mam ;but i’m going home with him the love that i have for him is too much …”says Sophy.
“Ok my dear tomorrow we will discharge you ,because it seems like everything is fine, ” Nurse’s says.
After being discharge at clinic Sophy’s took care of her son until he grown up and she named him (Sibusiso) meaning blessing.