“It’s saturday early in the morning Sophy is laying down on her bed “. She tried so many times to call Lucas ,but his phone goes straight to voice mail.
“Then she took a walk to the shops ;when she still heading to shops she come across with him and he was walking with his friend .
He never bothered himself to greet her , he just pass like they never  met.
Lucas nowadays its seems like you hated Sophy ..”what is going on between you two …his friend Thulani asks.
“You know what ? Nothing is happening between us,” Lucas replies.
“So why don’t you no longer greeting each other huh ?”Thulani asks
“Thulani don’t you have other things we may talk about huh ?”Lucas asks with an angry voice.
Sorry my friend i was just wanted to know what is going between you two, because for the past few months you were good together and everyone wished to be like you at work… Thulani replies.