Naledi went to her mom’s home ..Her mom appeared shocked and angry …The neighbour also stared shocked…
Mother : This cant be real
Naledi : It is
Mother : You alive ?..I thought you were dead …
Naledi : Look ; you treated me badly ; you abuses me emotionally..I did this to get away from you …to escape your excessive yelling and hitting
Mother : But I was damn grieving !
Naledi : I faked my death including the spray for mosquitoes..I finished school ; went to the therapist and got help and now i got a job
Mother : I actually thought you was really dead
Naledi : I wanted to see if whether you working on becoming a better mother ..
Mother : I’m speechless..
Naledi : But sorry u went through all those stuff..
Mother : It was tough but i was wrong for treating u like that…for putting you through all this..
Naledi : I was wrong too but I was really depressed but suicide was not an option… i would never thiink of killing was really hard for me ; but I felt like i would be sinning for taking away the life God gave me..I needed help so l got it..I decided to deal with it.
Mother : The doctors told me about your mental illness
Naledi : I’m now free from that ..
The mother and the neighbour hugged Naledi…
What do you think of the twist ?