“Do you even know how to use that?” He asked me, approaching me slowly and I backed away. “Once I get my hands on that, you’ll be dead before you blink.” He chuckled.

I was so darn afraid at that point. If he had managed to killed me, I wouldn’t have lived my life like I’ve always dreamed to. Like those other people out there, who were happy and free. I wouldn’t taste freedom.

“I’m not afraid of you. If you take one step over here, I’ll grab you kid. You’re just a small lad and I can literally rip you apart.” He said, with an evil grin. My heart was racing and I finally gave up.
“FINE! Here…take it but please don’t hurt me. I just want to escape this life. Please have some goodness in you and don’t hurt me.” I said as the dagger fell from my hand to the floor.

I was now sobbing and was ready for the worst, I looked down expecting another punch or slap but instead I heard him calling out to my mom, telling her he was done with me. I felt relieved as I realized he was giving me a friendly smile.

“Undress completely and lay on your bed.” He instructed and I obeyed, finally knowing he wouldn’t hurt me. After a few minutes my mother was heard coming upstairs in her thudding footsteps. He gave me the dagger and told me that I knew what I had to do, you know…to escape.

I hid it and posed like a victimized kid in my bed. My mother unlocked the door and the man who had already prepared the cash, gave it to her and before leaving he said, “I enjoyed every bit of it.” He said that as if he meant it but gave me a quick look.

My mother was convinced and remained as he left, still looking rather high. “Brats like you make me easy money. I’ll bring anyone i want over here and don’t you dare get any smart ideas.” She said, staring greedily at the money. She had received at least $200 and said she’d see what to do with it.

Before leaving, she tossed a blastic bag of snacks on the bed. I was hungry. I quickly got up and dressed. I was wondering why that man did that. I took out the dagger and just stared at it.